
Lump Sum O' Text

Well, my magazines came today! Which is great because now they come to my door step and have my name on them. But it kinda hit me hard when i realized that 438 pages will be landing on my door step month after month. So I have decided the order of reading them will be Racer, Road & Track, and then Car and Driver. There was a good editorial over on The Truth About Cars today about ads in magazines and how it effects the review of the car and how their reviews are starting to sound more like an advertisement for the car. This all has to do with TTAC switching their site from a nice clean hobby into a professional enterprise filled with ads. I like their website but as many people said they wouldnt pay for it. Which may seem harsh but seriously... I only find one or two of their articles a month as a good read. In other news Sir Yannick is still working on his rendering, it seems that he cant take a group photo or change backgrounds. But! He did find out how to make the floor shiny so my hat goes off to him for that! Along with that Sir Yannick set me up with some nice pirate software for my beautiful screen shots that will be used for the web site. Oh and I have something that pissed me off today, Jamie Fox thinks that P. Diddy would play a better bond than a white man....Okay What the fuck?!? He said white men aren't modern and have to give the bond series a bump up so its more modern why can't they make their own characters? They have to turn a white character that has been running close to 40 years now into a black man to make it more modern. Why dont we just let Clay Aiken play as Shaft? Because obviously all the lasers and computer shit in James Bond just isn't modern enough, the only way to make it cool is to add a black man. As for todays Daily Check we have Joystiq which is a blog all about video games updated around the clock, alot like engadget but about video games:P That is all for today, Daily Noise is just about on so thats all for now. Bye!


Blogger sirtulip said...

oh my.

8/08/2006 06:02:00 PM  

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